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Energie & Management > Commentary - Market - Ifs and buts and ups and downs

Market - Ifs and buts and ups and downs

The weather outlooks have changed significantly over the weekend, and the Monday market consequently opened several NOKs down. It is too early to speak of a trend change, however, but a lasting weather alteration will take this further down from the morning’s steep fall, players argued. Whether a weather trend change is on the cards now is a different ball game, however.
The morning market fell on a wetter EC, and AVN indications of lots of precipitation. The 10 NOK drop looks like an overreaction, one trader said, and was also partly this sizeable due to the bullish overreaction on Friday. The resource situation is worse than ever though, and the time left to obtain precipitation before the snow melt is decreasing. A Swedish player maintained that the potentia

Montag, 3.03.2003, 11:56 Uhr
Energie & Management > Commentary - Market - Ifs and buts and ups and downs
Market - Ifs and buts and ups and downs
The weather outlooks have changed significantly over the weekend, and the Monday market consequently opened several NOKs down. It is too early to speak of a trend change, however, but a lasting weather alteration will take this further down from the morning’s steep fall, players argued. Whether a weather trend change is on the cards now is a different ball game, however.
The morning market fell on a wetter EC, and AVN indications of lots of precipitation. The 10 NOK drop looks like an overreaction, one trader said, and was also partly this sizeable due to the bullish overreaction on Friday. The resource situation is worse than ever though, and the time left to obtain precipitation before the snow melt is decreasing. A Swedish player maintained that the potentia

Montag, 3.03.2003, 11:56 Uhr

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